This is probably the best way to describe our Kia Manawanui learning environment this term - in a constant state of flux. The space is ever changing, sometimes weekly, sometimes daily to meet the needs of the students and in response to reflection on students' interactions with the space.
I have moved some storage out of the year 7 space which has freed up some premium wall space. I am currently in the process of deciding what to put in this prime location. I want it to be key bits of information and scaffolding material that the students can refer to easily. This is what I have so far after a creative Sunday session. What do you think?
Next up was our Kia Manawanui Year 7 Waka
- He waka eke noa (loosely translated as we're all in this together)
At the beginning of the year our lovely year 7 & 8 students were all put together to learn in the TPS school hall. As we now have our very own learning space, I really wanted the students to make a claim to their classroom. Some of my fabulous colleagues from the Manaiakalani Digital Teaching Academy gave me the idea for a learning journey waka populated by my students.Each panel represents one year 7 student - the learning task was to represent the different people who support you on your learning journey. Each person was represented using a koru shape to symbolise new growth and strength. Each student also chose one word to describe themselves as a learner, and this is displayed on their waka paddle.
I have included the beginning stages of the display to showcase the process. Also to showcase how long it takes some students to complete learning tasks - this task was given out in week 5!
I look forward to showing off the completed waka - populated with our ever expanding group of students!
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