BYOD 2015: Making it Mobile
I had the honour and privilege of speaking at the BYOD conference yesterday at Hobsonville Point Secondary School. It was great to be able to share some of the knowledge I have gathered from my time in the Manaiakalani Digital Teaching Academy (MDTA) and from the classroom working with some expert teachers at Tamaki Primary.
My MDTA colleague Treena and I worked hard over the holidays to produce a worthwhile and (hopefully) helpful resource for educators to take away and use to help them apply some of the many affordances that technology can provide when offering feedback and feed forward to learners. Check out the presentation below.
It was great to contribute and learn from the growing community of digital educators in Auckland. It was also awesome to have our practice and pedagogy validated and supported, listening to fellow presenters like Mark Osbourne from CORE Education, refer to the same research and findings and the application of them in the classroom.
I picked up some great tips and tricks that I look forward to trying in the classroom this term! I will report back on the trial of Kahoot and Quizlet.
Overall it was a very enriching and rewarding experience, and I hope to be able to contribute to the learning community again in the future.